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Factors of Start using Water Meters

Reason for Use (POU) meters are made to give a submetering solution for the people properties that can't be submetered by conventional submeters as a result of plumbing designs that bring multiple pipes in to the apartment or office (stacked risers). The meters were specifically designed for stacked riser plumbing configurations typically found in properties that use a central boiler to supply trouble.

Within a typical installation really small flow meters are set up inconspicuously on each hot & cold outlet to the shower/tub, toilet, sink, dish washer, disposal and clothes washer. With respect to the manufacturer the flow meters either use a transmitter built-in or are attached to an interface board/ transmitter. The transmitters report usage information to a central Processing computer that subsequently forwards the usage information to some billing center where bills might be printed and provided for the end user.

Equipment and installation pricing is typically higher that traditional systems though the payback continues to be usually less than a year. When purchasing a POU meter, a principal consideration needs to be the meters can be read by Automated Reading System (AMR). This permits the property owner take into account many billing companies and does not tie the master to equipment that could just be read by a number of companies.

Submetering has been confirmed by numerous studies to lessen usage by up to 39%. Although POU meters are already readily available for over decade they have not been trusted until recently. Together with the current fascination with green solutions along with the ever rising water and sewer costs properties that in the past can't be traditionally metered are installing POU meters and benefitting from the same sort of usage reductions that properties with conventional plumbing have realized for a long time. Since roughly 50% of apartments and 90% of offices utilize stacked riser plumbing some great benefits of submetering with POU meters have barely been touched.

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